Presenting Martin Kaptein's master thesis on Scriabin's synaesthesia. How to connect color and harmony in the music and how to apply colors to Scriabin's Piano Sonata No.8.
Thesis and research about the relation between color and harmony in the music of Alexander Scriabin. This includes its practical applications in the field of performance practice as well as music education.
Philosophical essay and look into the deeply mysterious 8th sonata of Alexander Scriabin. What does it mean to be a musical piece, to be art? Digestion of the necessity and absurdity of music philosophy.
The life and three artistic periods of the famous Russian composer Alexander Scriabin. Analysis of a piece from each period, outlining Scriabin’s shift towards atonality.
Browse a complete index of Alexander Scriabin’s works, including all opus numbers with titles and links to in-depth articles. Discover insights into his music, compositions, and artistic vision in one comprehensive resource.